Movie Review
Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field, and Rita Moreno in "80 for Brady."
Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field, and Rita Moreno in "80 for Brady."
Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field, and Rita Moreno in "80 for Brady."

Movie Review: 80 for Brady

"80 for Brady" proves to be a remarkably charming and endearing piece thanks in large part to the ensemble of fine actresses assembled for this road trip.

"80 for Brady" Bunch
"80 for Brady" Bunch
"80 for Brady" Bunch

“80 for Brady Bunch” Featurette Released

Paramount Pictures has just released a new featurette starring the cast of "80 for Brady" entitled "The 80 for Brady Bunch." Check it out right here!

Lily Tomlin and Tom Brady in "80 for Brady"
Lily Tomlin and Tom Brady in "80 for Brady"
Lily Tomlin and Tom Brady in "80 for Brady"

New “80 for Brady” Clip Released

Paramount Pictures today announced three different advance screenings and a new clip to celebrate the theatrical release of the feature film "80 for Brady."