Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Trailer Trashin’: The First Avenger Returns in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Happy Halloween, dear readers! I hope you all have a fun and safe holiday, whether you’re going trick-or-treating, attending parties, or staying at home and watching scary movies. And just like was the case last year, thi...


Trailer Trashin’: The Master of Suspense Lives Again in Hitchcock

With the release of Argo this past week, we’re officially in the season of prestige films and Oscar contenders. With that in mind, this week breaks new ground for Trailer Trashin’, because it’s my first time w...

Movie Review

Movie Review: The Avengers

I’ve mentioned several times in the past that I was apprehensive regarding an Avengers movie. Logistically, teaming up all of those major superheroes would be something most people couldn’t do successfully. As the project...