The Martian
The Martian
The Martian

Trailer Trashin’: Matt Damon is Lost in Space in The Martian Official Trailer

It’s the last weekend of August, dear readers, and the summer movie season is at an end. But there’s still plenty of cool stuff coming to our theaters this year, from James Bond to Star Wars and everything in betwee...

Movie Review

A Kid Film Critic Reviews Pixels

Pixels is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The movie starts out with thirteen-year-old Brenner (Anthony Ippolito) and his friend Cooper (Jared Riley) who like to play arcade video games. They decide to enter Brenner in ...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Silent Hill: Revelation

The videogame-to-movie adaptation Doom bombed at the box office. One of the major factors was that the game on which it was based, a solitary marine fighting wave after wave of demons that had come to Mars through a portal from...