
The Top Five Earning Movies of 2012 (and Five That Wish They Were)

The year 2012 was a big one for movies, especially for comic-book superheroes. While one strove to be the top-earner of all-time (and fell short behind the master of moneymaking, James Cameron), another came seemingly out of no...

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: Hobbits Win Again

Well, it’s that time of year again. For those of you diehards who must get your box office info, know that the studios will not be releasing the official numbers for this weekend until the New Year, just the estimates. Until th...

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: An Unexpected Journey Makes Big, but Lower than Expected Debut

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Peter Jackson’s prequel to his epic The Lord of the Rings series, was expected to make a big start, and even if there had been any new competition it was not likely to cause much damage agains...