Movie Review
Jessica Rothe in Happy Death Day 2U
Jessica Rothe in Happy Death Day 2U
Jessica Rothe in Happy Death Day 2U

Movie Review: Happy Death Day 2U

While "Happy Death Day 2U" fails as a straight horror movie, the movie is entertaining from start to finish and features a great performance from Jessica Rothe.

Movie Review
Million Dollar Arm
Million Dollar Arm
Million Dollar Arm

Movie Review: Million Dollar Arm

The filmĀ Million Dollar ArmĀ is a family-friendly drama that is based on the real-life story of the first Indian athletes to become involved with any major American sports franchise. The film was directed by Craig Gillespie and ...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Life of Pi

To dispense with the obvious, Life of Pi is a technical marvel that seamlessly captures the essential (some would think unfilmable) central story of a young man trapped on a lifeboat in the company of a large Bengal tiger. Yann...