Movie Review
Million Dollar Arm
Million Dollar Arm
Million Dollar Arm

Movie Review: Million Dollar Arm

The film Million Dollar Arm is a family-friendly drama that is based on the real-life story of the first Indian athletes to become involved with any major American sports franchise. The film was directed by Craig Gillespie and ...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Win Win

A high-school wrestling comedy with perennial indie schlub Paul Giamatti coaching sounds like it could be an unbearable retread of recent bombs like Mr. Woodcock or Drillbit Taylor, but with a surefire ensemble cast and a trick...


Interview with Thomas McCarthy, director of Win Win

It’s a movie that’s “hard not to enjoy on some level.” That’s how director Thomas McCarthy describes his latest film, Win Win. After seeing it, it’s hard to disagree with that statement. This writer is in full agreement. Win Wi...