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Trailer Trashin’: The Dark Knight Rises Promises an Epic Conclusion

Now that The Avengers has been released – it’s awesome, go see it if you haven’t – and the summer movie season has officially begun, the new trailers will be coming in fast and furious. Attached to Marvel’s co...


Seven Things We Want From the Avengers Sequel

Based on the record-breaking opening weekend The Avengers enjoyed, I think it’s safe to assume that most of you have seen the movie already, but just to be safe – read further at your own risk! There will be at least one major ...


Weekend Box-Office: The Avengers Smash Box-Office Records!

What is the shortest amount of time a film has taken to make $200 million? Well, with the release of The Avengers, the answer is three days. No other film even came close to the big budget comic book film this week, which has n...