Movie Review
The World's End
The World's End
The World's End

Movie Review: The World’s End

I am a huge fan of Edgar Wright, the English director who helmed Shaun of the Dead (2004), Hot Fuzz (2007), and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010). Wright is responsible for some of my favorite comedies, and he is a director wh...

The World's End
The World's End
The World's End

Trailer Trashin’: The Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy Concludes with The World’s End

In the spirit of summer movies, this week brings the third-ever Trailer Trashin’ Double Feature, as I examine the new previews for White House Down and The World’s End. Now, let’s take a look at the UK teaser ...


The 10 Best Zombie Movies Ever Made

Is there anyone out there that doesn’t enjoy a good zombie movie? The infiltration of zombies into our popular culture and continued success of the cinema of the undead suggests that there isn’t. While zombie cinema is a genre ...