Posted June 26, 2014 by Mike Tyrkus in News

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Campaign Salutes District Heroes

From: The Capitol
Subject:  District Heroes

In honor of our brave brothers and sisters of Panem, we’re pleased to share the DISTRICT HEROES COLLECTION.

Today, The Capitol, under the authority of the Capitol Ministry of Information, released seven District Heroes across Yahoo and Tumblr. Please take a minute to reflect and learn more about these esteemed district citizens by clicking the links below.


We also strongly encourage you to register for updates from Capitol TV. Remember, we are #OnePanem.

See The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 in theaters on November 21st, 2014!

Mike Tyrkus

Mike Tyrkus

Editor in Chief at CinemaNerdz.com
An independent filmmaker, co-writer and director of over a dozen short films, the Editor in Chief of CinemaNerdz.com has spent much of the last three decades as a writer and editor specializing in biographical and critical reference sources in literature and the cinema, beginning in February 1991 reviewing films for his college newspaper. He was a member of the Detroit Film Critics Society, as well as the group's webmaster and one-time President for over a decade until the group ceased to exist. His contributions to film criticism can be found in Magill's Cinema Annual, VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever (of which he was the editor for nearly a decade until it too ceased to exist), the International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, and the St. James Film Directors Encyclopedia (on which he collaborated with editor Andrew Sarris). He has also appeared on the television program Critic LEE Speaking alongside Lee Thomas of FOX2 and Adam Graham, of The Detroit News. He currently lives in the Detroit area with his wife and their dogs.